Last night my oldest daughter Taylor had her very first volleyball practice. As I sat and watched her move forward with something that she had been really excited to give a try, I quickly saw the face of discouragement come over her. Ball after ball would come her way and she did her best to […]
It is…scandalous.
I sat and listened to her words. Tears poured out of her face as she said, “I just want to pay Him [God] back for all He’s done for me.” I got her, I really did. I fully understood what she was saying. As a girl who has walked many rough roads of this life, […]
Lose the binkie faith.
Of all of my girls, I only had one that was a true binkie user. It was my Hope. She got the hang of that thing right away and by the age of three was a true binkie addict. Much so that an intervention was necessary before the Kennyboo arrived into this world. After a […]
$5 centerpiece!
I’m so excited about my FIVE DOLLAR new centerpiece I just had to show you. Here is the blog I found the idea on: Click here. So sorry, I didn’t take any pictures while making it. But I didn’t even have newspaper so I just used old grocery bags and kept bundling them up until […]
Useful words.
A few weeks ago, I got an e-mail from a friend. I love this friend and she’s an amazing woman of God. She was at the point where she was trying to push herself a little further in her ministry and asked me for some honest insight on a few areas of her work. After […]