
I'm a wife, I'm a mom to three girls, I'm a friend, I'm a writer, I'm a speaker but most importantly...I am found complete in Jesus. My hope and prayer is that you will know the love and grace I have found through my daily life in Christ so that you too can experience the same freedom I have. Although, through this site you will see I'm in no way perfect. Sometimes it's serious here, sometimes it's silly but it's always about one thing...the scandalous grace of God.

If it's news…it's news!

Tonight my oldest daughter Taylor (who BTW, I really wish I would have named TaylorAnn…it would just fit her so well) showed me her pride and joy….the family newsletter. Have you heard of nine year-olds doing such things? Um…ya, this is what happens when you take the cable away. Anyway, she was quite thrilled with […]

A new thing?

Sometimes I hear people say, “I just know God’s doing a new thing in me.” I always thought, “Oh that’s nice. Yay God.” {wink} But, the past few weeks I have felt just like that….that’s He’s been doing a new thing but…WHAT?…I don’t know and How?…..I don’t know and…Why?……I don’t know that either. Regardless, it’s […]

Hey there friends….. I know I’ve done this before but I’m going to take a little (or long) bloggy break and facebook break. No really big reasons other than the Lord is just asking me to give it up right now. I need to hear from Him and this computer seems to be my number […]

The Jesus Fraud

Have you ever met someone that you greatly admired and then found out that they are not really who you think they are? Me too. Although I don’t like to use this blog as my soap-box or anything that brings wonder and discouragement to people, this is something that’s really been bothering me lately. But […]

It's so much better.

A few months ago Kris’s mom had the opportunity to go on a mission trip to Guatemala. And while this was an exciting event and we were all praying for her and excited to see what God would do in her life unfortunately nothing would excite the Kennyboo more than the goodies she would bring […]