I don’t know where I heard that quote, who came up with it…or why it’s been ringing in my ears the past few days. But, none the less, it has. In fact, I said it to my Hopie right before I dropped her off in her class for Kindergarten graduation, you know…I wanted one of […]
HopeAnn, hats off to you!
Yesterday was HopeAnn’s little kindergarten graduation. It was so cute but there were many tears shed before this event! Hopie got into the car after I picked her up in their carline and the tears just came flooding out!! We are all sad about leaving their school, and are still very scared about this homeschool […]
Feelin dry?
The other day the girls were in the Kitchen eating their dinner and I was doing what I do most nights while they are eating…cleaning up after them! We try to eat as a family when Kris is home (which is rare) but normally it’s just the three of them and me cleaning up. Well, […]
So excited!
Well, today is the day!!! For what, you ask? TODAY I GET TO TELL YOU WHAT I’VE BEEN SOOOO EXCITED ABOUT!! Just click here and I’ll let you go see what it all about……come back when you’re done ok??!! =) http://www.livelaughloveretreat.blogspot.com/ Ok are you back now? So here’s the thing…..I would LOVE for all you […]
Hope for what it is to come…
So first, do you love this new/permanent look? Thanks so much to my awesome friend, Faith for fixing me up! Please go and visit her if you’d like a new look for your blog! She’s awesome!! Alrighty, off to today’s post. It’s a bittersweet week this week. Lot’s of things coming to an “end”. Tonight […]