*****If you are visiting from Leigh’s blog, THANK YOU and please check out the post below this one, if I was all blogger savy, I would know how to make that one a sticky post, but no such thing here. =) ____________________________________________________________________________________Oh my word……I have so many other things to do right now like, bathing […]
I need your help
Sharing God’s truth with love is not only a holy calling but a remarkable responsibility. The Lord has laid it on my heart to attend a conference called She Speaks in June, 2008. I trust He will provide a way financially for me to go, and I would like to invite you to be a […]
Back on track!
It has been a week………whew. I am SO thankful it’s Friday and the weekend is on the way but more importantly that SUNDAY is on the way!!! We have a weekend full of birthday parties so, it will be a busy one, but that’s ok! Somehow though, Kris and I need to get this enormous […]
Times of Testing
I have nothing to say this week ya’ll……….I am sorry. It’s been a tough week and I am just being still before my God………..I have found much comfort in this song today. [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yAMbEPZfWCY]
He is faithful
It was a busy busy weekend…….but wasn’t everyone’s? There just never seems to be enough time is there? I’m so thankful for these few quite moments I have this morning. God is so good. He is so faithful, He has shown himself strong to me. Through kindness of family, through friends that will pray, through […]