Ok, SOOOO……who’s been playing the grocery game??? It’s not to late to get started!!! This week I went to one store and saved $55, my total bill was only $80. SO, this is MUCH better!!! Last week I saved over $100, at two stores!! So post, post post, your comments on this!!! So, I’ve gone […]
Me and My God
Whew……I’ve blinked at it’s 12:00 on Monday……where did Friday, Saturday and Sunday go??? Do you ever feel this way? Just walking around and all of the sudden days, weeks and months are…..gone. This is how I feel today. Time is short. On Saturday Kris and I spent the day at church at a conference called […]
God has just shook my little world
I have been gone all day, and normally I wouldn’t blog at this time of day…….but I just HAD to come on here and share what God has done the past two days. Life hasn’t been easy, choices haven’t been clear……but a heart that longs for obedience……that’s what has been happening here. I quit my […]
Father, Forgive me for I am not the perfect Momma
Ya’ll………..(DEEP SIGHS) I have just experienced my first of many to come of heartaches with one of my girls. And to my amazement, it is from my Taylor. She has had a rough week of obedience and has gottten herself into some trouble. I can tolerate the fighting, whining, complaining, groans and crys……….but a lie […]
I am so tired, I can barely keep my eyes open right now!! We had a super busy weekend, but I felt the Lord nudging me to “GET UP” (seriously there was a big “house settling” sound at 5:45 am, I believe it was Angels knocking on the walls!!) this morning…….so here I am!! Coffee […]