Right now, I have SO many things running through my mind, I just don’t even know where to begin!! AHHHHH. It’s what I’d call brain overload!!! I spent the morning with some girlfriends just talking and drinking coffee and then hit the ground running (but not really RUNNING ha ha!) I’ve got a big project […]
Making my husband a hero
My mind is filled with so many thoughts and prayers this morning. It’s been hard to focus on just one thing. Last night I was blessed to lead our women in our Sunday school class through a night of prayer for our husband’s. We discussed how we can “Husband-Proof” our homes. Making my home a […]
God is good!
I am proud to announce that I just recieved my first picture of my nephew, Mason!! He was born last night!! He is the cutest little guy EVER and he has two awesome parents!! I’m so happy and excited for them I just can’t stand it!! For those of you who have read this blog […]
O Praise Him
Oh Praise Him
I Chronicles 16:8-9 “Give thanks to the Lord, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done. Sing to him , sing praise to him, tell of all his wonderful acts.” Sometimes the Lord just says, Praise me……..that is what He is saying to me now in the stillness of my […]