Colossians 1:17 “He is before all things and in him all things are hold together.” I love to read about the apostle Paul…….what an amazing man he was. As I opened Colossians this morning and turned to Chapter 1, the Lord began to reveal some neat things to me. What I just love about scripture […]
Lord……..lead the way
I’m very nervous as I write this post this morning. Wondering what you my readers, family and friends will think as I write these words. But, I realize that where God is taking me is a place where I’m going to have to get over a whole lotta fears. You know I’ve been talking (writing) […]
Because I have a thousand other things to do right now……
Realizing I haven’t posted Pictures in a long time…..Here are some! This first one is what happens EVERY time I try to get a picture with all three of these girly’s!!! This was on our trip to Virginia. It was COLD!!! Here is me and my man…..Isn’t he a hottie??? =) This was courtesy of […]
Because I just need HIM right now…..
It’s been a day…….already. [youtube=]
What my house sounds like right now
Excuse me while I do a HUGE OH MY GOODNESS PMS venting session………read only if you dare. It’s six pm and there’s not a quite soul in this house, my ears are ringing from all the screaming and it goes like this: “Kennedy if you tell me NNNNNNNNNOOOOOOO one more time, you are in TIME […]