This morning, through my precious moments with the Lord I almost felt a bit scared as I approached His throne. Not in a bad like “ooooo” kinda way, just like a “it’s been a while” kinda way. It has been some time since I got up extra early to meet with my heavenly Father. I […]
Getting back on track
Well, it’s good to be up and at em this morning! I can honestly say I was glad to see last week end! Whew…what a week! I know there will be many more like it, but more importantly, I’m so glad that the Lord has spoken to me…..THROUGH what happened. What would be a tragedy […]
His strength is perfect
Ya’ll……I feel SO MUCH better!!! I woke up this morning and almost felt “normal”!! I took a deep breath and knew that my Lord has pulled me out of a very hard situation. This has been a long week. But, through it all, and through many of you, I was reminded of the power of […]
When it rains…….it pours
Oh how I wish I was talking about real rain since we need it so bad in Charlotte!!! As if anything else could go wrong………3am this morning, I went to the bathroom and had a very painful feeling in my lower back. I’ve had a pretty bad UTI this week (as if you wanted to […]
Frustrated, HELP ME LORD
You may laugh as you read that post title thinking I’m ready to head to the looney bin……maybe I am =). NO..I’ve just been having one of those days that nothing is making much sense. Well, first, we had a blast in Virginia and it was all pretty much FREE FREE FREE!! It was so […]