Well, it’s 12:18 and I’m just now getting to my quite time……not a good thing. I’ve got four sleeping children well 3 1/2…..Hope is just barely asleep. I’ve got the same two from yesterday back again today and I must say I’m quite tired as they are too!!! But, hopefully I have at least a […]
Lord………move me
Do you ever find yourself in the place to be moved by God yet nothing is happening. I am…..how shall I say, a bit impaitient when it comes to exciting things to start happening. I have been praying for some big things in my life, and God is answering but it’s a very slow process. […]
Meditating Thoughts
Well we had an awesome weekend! Friday night the girls and I had girls night while Kris went and worked at the Todd Agnew concert at our North Campus…..we LOVE overtime! Especially when it’s something fun like that! =) The girl’s and I had fun doing nails, making homemade pizza and watching movies! Saturday, Kris’s […]
Thinking about Thinking
This week I’ve been reading Battlefield of the Mind by Joyce Meyer, this came highly recommended from Kim over at Only One. A friend and I are reading it together and I have to say I’ve had a hard time getting into it. It’s not that it’s not an incredible book, it’s that I’ve seen […]
Turning dreams into reality
Like I said in my previous post, I’m a dreamer. I love to imagine BIG things for my life. One day I’d like to run a marathon……one day I’d like to fly in a helicopter, one day I’d like to travel the world again, and appreciate it this time!, one day I’d like to redo […]