What do you think makes a happy home? Last night we went to church for a special sermon titled Hero’s in the Home. Obviously it was geared towards parents and how much effect we have on our children each day. Often I wonder if my girl’s are truly happy. Sometimes I would dare to say […]
Silly Saturday
Can you see it??? Can you see the two little licks that came from SOMEONE’S LITTLE fingers??? Surely this could not be from my HopeAnn??? Right??? =) HA HA!!! This was my mom’s birthday cake that her little fingers couldn’t resist……but don’t ask her who did it, she does NOT KNOW. The interesting things girly’s […]
Longing for Heaven
Sweet words wouldn’t you say? (deep sighs) It’s been a great day just loving on Jesus today. Worthy of my praise would definitely be my thoughts right now….how oh how has the Lord blessed me just today? I awoke in a nice comfy bed, I had some great coffee, I received “a word” from Him, […]
Oh i so just need to escape right now…..so blogland will have to do! Thank you for allowing me to escape. I’m so just YUCK today. Not like down or depressed or anything just….blah. I keep telling myself this is only a season…….I know it is, but it’s a very lonely,trying season. Yes I have […]
The sweet aroma of…….life
This morning as I climbed out of my bed noticing that my eye was glued shut…….ugh, yes, looks like I’ve got pink eye…..I made my way to the kitchen to begin my morning coffee routine. While attempting to get there, I stumbled over a stroller, baby doll, box of something and a few pairs of […]