Well, here she is……..my oldest, SEVEN today!! WOW!! Time is going by a lot faster than I would like it to. This is my sweet Taylor…….and she is the smartest, brightest, happiest, joyful little thing in life! (of course I’m a little proud of her!! I’M HER MOM!!!) Taylor enjoys school, more than anyone I […]
Mold Maddness
(deep sighs……) phew I am tired! What a day it’s been. Last night I was in our little half bath and I do mean LITTLE, and I noticed that through the wallpaper there seemed to be some type of mold coming through….YUCK. Well, I started to look closer and sure enough the whole bathroom was […]
Deliver me from destruction
Mmmmm, ya’ll I’m splurging JUST a bit on the coffee this morning!! I absolutely LOVE the Pumpkin flavor coffee cream and they don’t put it out all year round so I was able to buy some the other day, and just a little tinsy bit adds SO MUCH flavor!! I LOVE IT!!! Ok, anyways, yesterday […]
Weigh-In Wed with bloggers!
I have a friend and I that are going to weigh in together on Fridays and actually SEE the numbers on the scale moving down, but I think bloggerland weigh in is on Wed?? Am I correct or not?? But, I have some very exciting news!! I’ve lost 5.5 since Friday!! This is how I […]
Feeling Great!!
Oh Sweet Lord, THANK YOU for this refreshing morning…….the weather is cool, I feel great, my coffee tastes great….even w/o cream!! =) Lord, you are so good!! Oh why can’t everyday feel this way Father?? Yesterday was a little challenging. I went for my walk but only made it 45 minutes…..HOWEVER, that was a grueling […]