Oh sometimes I love three-day weekends but then other’s I’m just like “Oh was that worth it???” Taylor spent the night at a friend’s house on Sunday night and I’m afraid I’m going to have to stop the sleepovers the night before a school night. She’s just to tired the next day!! And trust me, […]
Alive……in Christ
Well, today is Labor day and I’m so glad hubby is home!! He works so much and so hard and of course on his day off his choosing to “work” and detail the van. Ugh….but, it’s a nice day outside so he would love to be out there doing anything. I’ll go help him when […]
Psalm 21:4 “May He give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed.” I’ll be honest for a minute…….lately, and I say that cautiously, lately I’ve had some extra time on my hands……I guess it’s 1.Being so close to the school, I’m not spending hours in the car each day 2. […]
Oh these days
Yesterday I spent I would say 90% of my afternoon disciplining this sweet little child….ha ha. Who may you ask? Oh yes, the Kennyboo herself. I said to Kris yesterday, I’m not sure where this child came from……it’s not me. =) Taylor tends to take after Kris and Hope tends to take after me but […]
How God is working
Oh yes my friends…….that time is correct, I am up and at em this morning. I find so much truth in the phrase, “What doesn’t kill us only makes us stronger”. The past few days I have walked around defeated, broken and physically weary. I was telling my friend the yesterday that all I’ve wanted […]