My fingers ya’ll……..they are about to fall off!!! A VERY sweet friend of mine has offered to sell my hair bows at her Christmas in July thing next weekend. So I have been making bows and flip flops like crazy the past two days!!! I want to make sure there is a big selection and […]
Many MANY thoughts this morning
Last night I put the girl’s all to bed and I went outside and really started digging through Titus. It’s not a very long book of the bible but there is just so much great stuff there. But, I had to stop because I guess you could say I was going under attack from the […]
Titus…….here I go!
As I’ve been feeling this desire to go through Titus, I thought it would be good for me to share my thoughts on here. That way, you can pipe up and let me know if I’m way off, or heading down the right road! My desire to study this book has come from reading other’s […]
How I got the "call"……..
It’s a sweet Sunday afternoon here. The wind is blowing and Kennedy’s taking a nap….the girl’s are outside playing with Kris so I thought, well it’s quite and I have a little bit before we head over to some friend’s for dinner tonight so this is a good time to write about how I got […]
Just breathin Him in today
Today I got up very early to spend some good alone time with my Lord but OF COURSE girly’s followed me up!! This will be a short one today! I spent my time in Titus…..absolutely an amazing book! As I’m pursing all these things that God is leading me to, God’s doing A LOT of […]