Hi everyone! After MUCH encourgament from so many awesome people, I’ve decided to take my bow business to the web! =) I’ve done very well on ebay for a while now but, I wanted to have a website and since the ONLY thing I know how to do is have a blog, it’s my BOW […]
Sometimes, it's just not about us!
I’ve awoken this morning with my soul at rest. I’ve had a huge change in my life the past two days and I realized something so incredible through this process. My prayer was that God would find Kris and I obedient with our finances. And once again, as I began to pray, I began to […]
I was just about to post a post that said we didn’t get the house but as I was writting, my realtor called back and said they would accept our offer (at first they didn’t and I was MAD). SO, we have a house!!! =) It’s a small house, but I know God’s sunshine is […]
The elderly and I
I think this would be a good title for a book! My life……it has been blessed and blessed some more by the elderly people of this world….and I do mean world. Let me explain……when I was a young girl, I must have been 7 years old because we lived in Germany, (and we moved there […]
Obedience……how far?
Last night was not a good night around this house! Another storm blew threw if you know what I mean!!! =) A real one and a figuratively speaking one!! Kris and I had some “words” on parenting….something that does not fly well with the momma who is the one with them 90% of the time!! […]