If ya’ll will please take a moment and lift up Lisa at http://proudmomof3boys.blogspot.com/ she needs our prayers right now!!!
I said your name in His ear today
This morning I awoke with a heart heavy for you,But, I got on my knees and all I thought was all I had to do. But as I entered through the gates,I met with Him but I didn’t want to wait. Finally, I cleared my mind and set it upon HimI confessed it all…….. I […]
Finally a minute to breathe!
It’s been a busy couple ‘o days! The girl’s are outside playing and Kenneyboo is down for a nap so I wanted to catch everyone up on everything………Saturday was spent driving around and looking at a few new neighborhoods…….OK gotta vent for a second about this: WHY on earth do builders think that people want […]
Will I accept Drudgery?
The definition of drudgery is this:drudgery(n.)Tedious, menial, or unpleasant work. Today God is speaking to my heart in a huge way!!! I think many stay at home moms or even working moms can relate to the feeling of “Does any of this really matter?”. We all have tasks that we face each day that just […]
Old Friends
Last night at church I ran into a friend I hadn’t seen in years……..I was very surprised to see her and I think she was surprised to see me. You know how when you haven’t seen someone in so long and then you do and old memories come back and they make your stomach turn […]