Yesterday was a good day……it was filled with a lot of “BUT MOMMY”, but overall it was a good day! We stayed busy! Last night we went to church and the Lord just about knocked me outta my seat with this message that he had given Dr.Rummage! It was awesome! Many Sundays I miss service […]
How do you hear God's voice?
Last night I was sitting outside just soaking up God’s beauty. I found myself just talking to God about a lot of things…….particularly what He wants me to do next with this bible study. I’ve hit I guess a writer’s block or a not hearing anything block (if that’s a term). And I said to […]
A very late start
Well, my morning was going to be smooth and I was going to have my quiet time early, before everyone was up, but of course Ms.Kennyboo thought she’d like to join me……and then as I got up I found a house full of people still, a drain clogged, laundry piled everywhere and soon after three […]
I've been tagged!
Ok Leigh, this is my first time being tagged so let’s see……….What are my dreams?? My dream is to one day lead a group of women (no matter what the size), in deep study through the grace that I have found in the forgiveness of Christ. My dream is to have a white house, with […]
Ok, I seriously needed a change in my life and since I have NO CONTROL over this moving thing (I’m totally surrendered Lord!), I just felt like I could freshen up my blog’s look! I hope you like it! Happy Memorial Day! Have a great night!