This makes me feel a WHOLE lot better after my girls just colored on my dad’s roll-top desk……..oh my!!! =)
First day down……..not so bad =)
First day of summer break for both girls was not so bad. My sweet friend called and offered to let Hopie come play at her house for a while (THANK YOU!!!) and so Taylor, Kennedy and I had some time together. (Thank you to all my sweet friends who are being SO NICE during this […]
Yesterday, after I picked up Hope from her last day of pre-school we were driving and it was very quite in the car (very unusual…) and all of the sudden she bursts out in pride, “MOMMY! I AM THE LAMB OF GOD!!!” I had to stop myself for a second and say, what did she […]
A woman at odds with the world…….or so it seems
I have to be honest for a second and tell ya’ll that I could totally skip my quite time today. Yesterday was one of those days where I felt like everyone in the world is against me……and not just the Christian School thing….that’s so just, whatever. Kris and I just can’t seem to agree on […]
Why Christian Education for us?
My…………….oh my……… heart is so heavy this morning. Last night I had a very intense conversation with someone. I don’t disagree with everything this person said, but it all comes down to where you put your faith…….This person does not believe that you must be a born again believer in order to receive the grace […]