I really hope you guys are enjoying this series on People & Personalities. It’s been so fun to work through this with you! Today, we are learning all about Myers Briggs. I invited an expert on this personality test to come on the show and share all her wisdom with us. Meg Tietz is so […]
People & Personalities with Lisa Allen: Strength Finders
You guys, I have much to share with you very soon about a lot of fun things. I did this little thing … ran a half-marathon! And I can’t wait to sit down with my husband Kris and record an update episode with him to tell you about it. I learned so much that I […]
People & Personalities with Jamie Golden!
Friends. Today is a BIG day. At the time you are reading this, if all has gone according to plan, I am on a flight to Orlando to Disney World! I wish I was going to just to go … but, many of you know that one of the BIG goals on my 40 before […]
All The Updates
Happy 2020, friends. I’m so glad to be back with you on the podcast starting this week. I’ve got some incredible shows planned for you in 2020 and I’m thrilled to get to share so much with you here on this podcast. Lessons from the Farm is heading into season three! But before we kick […]
Praying “See Over” Prayers
I’m so honored to be sharing words again with the Proverbs 31 Ministries devotion audience. If you are not subscribed there I highly recommend it! These devotions are such a great dose of simple encouragement to read at some point in your day. Click Here to subscribe and to read the devotion I wrote for […]