I’m not gonna lie, it’s been a rough week. If you follow my social media, you know I lost my brother tragically and suddenly last Tuesday. I’ll share more when I’m ready. I promise. But it’s all still very tender. But there’s something I’ve been looking forward to for WEEKS. I LOVE to give gifts […]
Our Top 5 Productivity Apps
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec maximus blandit nisl, vel tincidunt ligula facilisis at. Nam facilisis leo sit amet mollis tincidunt. Cras in vehicula quam, a finibus augue. Mauris gravida mauris vitae lectus vestibulum pretium. Donec vestibulum nulla pellentesque tellus scelerisque ornare. Ut vulputate magna id tortor iaculis consequat. Quisque molestie ex […]
How Does Sharon Do It All?
It’s our LAST episode for this series! I’m so sad. This has been one of my FAVORITE series ever. Sharon Hodde Miller is with us this week as we wrap up this series. She is a wife, a mom, church planter, speaker, author … she does A LOT. And you’re going to love, love, love […]
How Does Jennifer Dukes Lee do it all?
How does a wife, mom, author, speaker, AND an acquisitions editor for a publisher “do it all?” WELL. She doesn’t. And we’re learning that each week, aren’t we from all of our guests on this series? 🙂 BUT. Jennifer Dukes Lee is here with us today on the podcast and she is helping us figure […]
How does a mom of 8 make things happen?
What’s it like to be a wife, mom of EIGHT, an author and on staff at Proverbs 31 Ministries?! Well … Amanda Bacon is the woman to ask, because she is doing all of these things and more. I knew I wanted to invite Amanda onto this series because she is truly someone I look […]