Taylor and I have some bad cold or something. Forgive me, but I thought I was feeling better this morning and was ready to jump into God’s word, but I don’t think I’m up to par yet. I’m feeling pretty yucky sitting here. Have a blessed day!
John 2:12-25
Woo wee, this is some DEEP stuff this morning. Here we are back in John chapter 2 verses 12-25. This is the story of how Jesus cleared the temple. Let’s go back in our minds to the wedding feast where Jesus turned the water into good wine. They are just leaving this wedding. They (Jesus […]
Just on overload!
Ok, the past few days I have realized something, I do not do well in life when things are in absolute chaos. Yes, having three kids most days are pretty chaotic, but we have our routine and I get things done but ya’ll…………you should see my house. It looks like the perfect storm has hit, […]
I so don't have time to be doing this, but it's fun!!
You Are An INFP The Idealist You are creative with a great imagination, living in your own inner world.Open minded and accepting, you strive for harmony in your important relationships.It takes a long time for people to get to know you. You are hesitant to let people get close.But once you care for someone, you […]
God said no……….again.
Yesterday I was on pins and needles awaiting an answer from our mortgage broker. We had found a house that would’ve been just great. But I don’t know if any of ya’ll have heard the news lately, but the mortgage industry just this week is a huge mess. Lenders are saying NO, NO and No […]