I’ve never done this before but Beth Moore has a study called Living Free. I’ve done several of her studies but this is a shorter bible study that is a combination of Praying God’s word and Breaking Free. So, this morning I started day 1. There were MANY things that really stood out to me […]
Awesome Verses!!
Psalm 144:1-2 “Praise be to the Lord my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle. He is my loving God and my fortress, my stronghold and my deliver, my shield, in whom I take refuge, who subdues peoples under me.” The first thing I LOVE about this verse is that the […]
A new week
I don’t normally blog on Sunday’s but today I only have one child to get ready for church so I won’t be so tied down! My brother took the older two last night. But we have to pick them up before church. So, I really wanted to come on here and share my heart this […]
Has my call changed?
I realize that there may be people who read this blog who may wonder what a “call” on your life is. A “call” on your life is when you know God has assigned a specific task for your life. For example, missionaries, preachers, teacher, ext…..they all have experienced a call on their lives at some […]
God hit it right on this morning!
This morning, I sit down and I opened up my devotional and I’m…….not surprised……..but so just happy, because God lead me right to what I needed to hear. It’s about trying until you succeed. I’m faced with an obsticle this morning. Everything has been falling right into place with my buisiness adventure. And I mean […]