On days like this where I really could crawl back into bed for another hour or two, I have to stop and ask myself, Where does my strength come from? Today I’ve gotten up and I just feel……….tired. Not spiritually tired but physically tired. I think I need to try some new vitamins! But good […]
Tackle Tuesday
Yes, there are many tasks to be tackled today! I didn’t get a lot done yesterday, that seems to be the problem with going to the Y later in the morning. But I went! It felt really good to work-out and surprisingly I’m not to sore this morning. Just a little. So by the time […]
When is enough, enough?
This morning I’m in the book of Proverbs 1:19, my devotion is on greed. I must say I’m really not one that has a “greedy” heart. I have a heart that has desires, of course, but the point where we are at in our lives is more of a “needy” heart than a “greedy” heart. […]
Making the most of what we've got!
This morning I am in a great passage. It’s in Matthew 25:14-30, the parable of the Talents. Wow, my heart has a lot to say from this passage. God has said several things to me this morning. First, if you aren’t familiar with how the story goes, here’s my short version: There are three servants […]
The Power to Affirm
Ugh this conviction thing……..it really gets ya going at 6am!!! This morning I’m in 1 Corinthians 1:1-9. My oh my….I’ve always said I will be honest so here I go…..I’m not the greatest at giving my husband affirming words, nor is he with me. I have been so convicted of this once again this morning. […]