What a rough start to my day I had this morning! Ms.Kennedy must have some teeth coming in because she is just ILL with everyone. She was up about four times last night just screaming! No fever, no cough, no runny noise…..just screaming. Here’s a praise: my hubby actually got up with her last night! […]
Pictures from Kennedy's Birthday!!
Thanks to my mother-in-law for sending these, since this sweet little baby broke my camera!!! UGH. Kennedy got her first (and ONLY) BMW!! Woo hoo! Isn’t that a cute little car?? She also got lot’s of clothes and even some money!! I hope you enjoy!!
God has heard his people's prayers!!!
Oh my heart is just overflowing with JOY right now!!! On Sunday afternoon I was at the team pictures and I saw my Sunday School teacher. I knew that she had been gone on a prayer retreat for the weekend so I asked her how it was. Her eyes got really BIG and she said […]
Someone who will always smile back!
What to wear???
This morning I’m in Colossians 3:12-17. This question of “what to wear” in our house comes up about five times a day in house full of girls. We go through endless loads of laundry and for some reason us girls just never have anything to wear! I’ve especially had a hard time lately as I’m […]