I can hardly believe that one whole year has passed since the birth of Kennedy Grace. Oh how I so clearly remember that day! It didn’t get off to a great start…..I was to be induced at 7:30 am and we were late! I cried the way there thinking that they were going to send […]
Oh it has been a trying week………after being cooped up in this house for three days now with sick girlys,up all night and still no answer about this job, my heart has been through it all(anger, sadness, frustration, jealousy……..)and I’ve really had quite a pity party for myself! I took Taylor the dr.’s this morning […]
Oh what a night……….
Well, I feel like a complete zombie today. Taylor was up almost the whole night and along side of her was Kennedy. I think they both just have awful colds. I’m still unsure if Taylor might have strep……..we’ll have to see if we need to go to the dr.’s today. Yesterday was a long day, […]
Better Late than never
I’ve gotten a very late start with my quiet time this morning. It was a long night. Hope was sleepwalking again, Taylor is sick and Kennedy’s ears are draining pretty bad, and she’s running a fever. And for some reason I was just so tired last night…..I was trying to sleep heavy but kept being […]
Quieted with Love
This morning I’m sharing with you an exert from a book I read a long time ago, called Captivating by John and Stasi Eldredge: “He will quiet you with his love.” (Zeph. 3:17) A woman of true beauty is a woman who in the depths of her soul is at rest, trusting God because she […]