I’ve gotten off to a late start this morning. I have the most awful headache. I have a feeling I may have a toothache as well because it’s one of those pains that just shoots down the side of your face. But, anyways, ibuprofen is a good thing!!! This morning I just can’t get this […]
At a loss for words
I don’t know why, but this morning, I’m really having a hard time finding the direction my quiet time is supposed to go. I think part of the problem is I have way to much on my mind today. I hate that, when I can’t just let everything go and let God speak to me. […]
Quiet Sunday Morning
Leave it to the dog to wake me up with no girly’s here! He’s was right on schedule at 6am!!!The girl’s are at Kris’s mom’s, the spent the night, I hope they did well! Kris and I went and ate at Salsarita’s (our favorite cheap place to eat!) and then we went to Old Navy, […]
Selfish day…..
Yesterday I had a very selfish day. I allowed myself to get all worked up about this interview and this job! The thing is, as soon as I started feeling “yucky”, anxious, worried and obsessed with knowing, I really did stop and pray. But, I think I only half-hearted gave it ALL to God. Maybe […]
Did you hear?
I was watching the news yesterday and I was quite surprised by something I heard. Apparently Pat Robertson is predicting that in September of this year the United States is going to be attacked in some way and millions of people may die! He claims that God has told him this directly! That’s a pretty […]