Genesis 1:11-13: “Then God said, “let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds. And it was so. v12 The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to […]
Sunday Morning
I haven’t written in a couple of days for two reasons. 1. I really don’t have much to say and 2. We’ve all come down with a terrible cold or something. It started with me and now has spread to Kennedy and Hope Ann. They are both pretty miserable today. Kris wasn’t feeling great yesterday […]
When Tragedy Strikes
Oh my heart hurts so bad this morning. At around 6am my sweet sister in law, Dawn, delivered her two twin babies who did not survive. Her water broke yesterday and it was all down hill from there. She was 6 months along. The heartache and pain that she must feel right now is more […]
It's getting tough………..
Today at the gym, I was in a total funk. I woke up late this morning so I didn’t have a quiet time before I left. It just started my day ALL wrong. I get to the Y and I’m just so tired. All around me are these really inspiring people that are working their […]
All rested up!
What a great weekend we had! It was just so……………..Restful. Friday night the girls and I met Kris for dinner and then he had a basket-ball game. So the girlys rented a movie, Chronicles of Narnia. What a powerful movie! I was a little unsure about letting the girls watch it but Hope fell asleep […]