Ok, it’s really early, and sometimes I feel like I make more sense when I write things out that God is trying to speak to me about. I think I’ve just about got my finger on why God has lead me through Genesis 1. I’ve NEVER thought about creation the way I have the past […]
In the Beginning…………
At 4am this morning I woke up, I thought why am I awake right now? Well, around 5:45 am God showed me why. He was trying to say GET UP, I’ve got to show you something and it’s going to take longer than your normal 30 minute quite time!! Uh…….I wish I would have listened! […]
Love for Enemies
My heart is heavy as I write today. I have a lot on it. I know I’m taking the right steps into the plans that God has for me, but oh has it been a struggle this past week. I guess when you are walking with God each day your eyes are truly opened to […]
Prayers have been answered!!!
Thank you all SOOOO much for you prayers, e-mails, calls and support. It’s truly worked!!! Yesterday I just really felt the urge to ask people to pray for her because we just weren’t getting any answers. Well, I’m so glad I did because about 5pm yesterday Taylor was her old self again. Fever and Pain […]
Please Pray for Taylor
What a night we had yesterday, Taylor has been running a fever of around 103 all week but it goes way down and then way up she also has been having severe abdominal pain all week. Well, I took her to the dr. yesterday morning because her fever was up to 104 and her belly […]