Good morning! Today I started Jeremiah. I’m not sure exactly how I went from Job to Jeremiah, but it’s where I felt God leading me and boy did He have a lot to say to me this morning. Jeremiah is a book on prophecy. I’m fascinated with how God used Jeremiah. I started in Chapter […]
Easy Like a Sunday Morning
Normally Sundays are CRAZY around here. But today it’s actually very quite. Kris has to work at the church today so Kennedy and I are going to the 10:45 service and Taylor and Hope are going out on a boat with my brother Mike. They are very excited. Yes, they should be going to church […]
Blessed, even when the blessings are gone?
Well, I competed the book of Job this morning. What a journey it has been! I’ve been so blessed by what I’ve read this morning that I just had to share it. I really feel like the overall theme of this book is that are we really blessed even when God takes it ALL away? […]
English Please!!!
Ok, I know that’s a really weird title but oh my goodness. I am having a TIME in the book of Job. Have you ever gone to the Dr. and they are trying to explain things to you about what could be wrong or what’s wrong and they start to tell you all these tests […]
One more day……….
I can’t believe Taylor starts school tomorrow. Summer has just flown by. I can remember dreading this summer so much and then having a rough start but I’m so pleased with how it’s turned out. Even though there’s been LOT’S of fights, complaints and messes to clean up overall the girls have been so sweet […]