Ok so last night I went to a prayer meeting at my Sunday School teacher, Donna Goforth’s house. It was really great and boy were there some godly women there. I hope that one day someone will be able to just look at me the way I looked at those women and KNOW that I […]
It’s been a good peaceful day despite our choas this morning. Taylor had her first day of camp today and we left in plenty of time (for once) and things were off to a good start. Well, I had planned on going to get the van inspected after dropping Taylor off so I’m driving and […]
Peace and Quiet At last
Oh how I love nap time, even though it get shorter and shorter these days I still enjoy my few moments of peace. Although Taylor isn’t napping she’s watching TV. I feel like she’s watching way to much TV this summer. But what am I to do? During the school year she hardly ever watched […]
I wonder if I’m ever going to get out of this fog that I’ve been in the past few days. These girls are just draining me. I didn’t realize how tough summer was going to be. Why is it that my oldest Taylor just can’t do ANYTHING alone??? She has to have constant companionship. When […]
What a treat this weekend has been! The weather has been WONDERFUL. Who would have ever thought it would feel like spring in July. What a blessing that really is to me. We had a nice day yesterday, we took the girls to my parents house and played tennis at their tennis courts. We think […]