It’s DAY FOUR of our 5 Habits celebration!!! Habit Four: She Gives Other’s What She Needs Giving others what we need. This is easier said than done, right? I don’t always want to give others what I need; sometimes my initial reaction is to give people what I think they deserve. And that might be […]
Unexpected Surprises | DAY 3 | #5HabitsBook Birthday!
It’s day 3 of our 5 Habits Birthday celebration!! Goodness, I am having so much fun with you guys this week. And oh yes, I’m SUPER excited about our giveaways today. But so far we’ve worked through Habits 1 & 2. And now … we move on to what I consider my FAVORITE habit of […]
5 Habits Birthday Party DAY 2!
Happy Day Two of #5HabitsBook Birthday Celebration!! Habit Number Two of the woman of doesn’t not quit is … She follows through despite how she feels. Oh friend, we’ve all lost that lovin’ feeling from time to time, haven’t we? Goodness, just this week I’ve had to push through my feelings. I’m going to […]
Let’s Get This Party Started!
It’s time to get our 5 Habits Book Birthday Celebration started!! Habit One is: She Accepts Her Assignment of Refinement. These are the situations in life where we are given the opportunity to either: go through it or grow through it. Typically these assignments catch us off guard; they come from a difficult relationship […]
You’re Invited!
I am so excited I could burst. 5 Habits of a Woman Who Doesn’t Quit is turning ONE this week! It’s hard to believe the first book baby is almost a year old . . . where has the time gone?! So, we are going to do this up big! My team and I are […]