The past few days have felt super strange for me. I’m sure some of it is a spiritual unsettling but I think it more has to do with this question that keeps getting asked … What’s next for you, Nicki? I cringe, my heart races and I really have no words when I get […]
Today’s Opportunity
It’s Monday. Which means a new week is pressing in. Last week’s victories and failures and slipping into our past. And there’s opportunities that await each of us today. Some opportunities of hope, life and goodness. And some opportunities that seem to be filled with opposition. But I’ve discovered something about the days seemingly filled […]
Readers Write-In
I’m REALLY excited about today’s post. As 5 Habits of a Woman Who Doesn’t Quit makes it way out into the hands of readers, I’m starting to hear back from women across the world who are being challenged by different parts of this message. Reading their stories has really opened my eyes to see how […]
It Was A Day For The Books
I don’t ever want to forget this day … March 1, 2016. It’s the day 5 Habits of a Woman Who Doesn’t Quit officially launched it’s way into the world. I had all the nerves, all the excitement and all anxiety a first time author would have for launch day. But this day … it […]
One day, Someday … Neverday?
Oh hey … yes, I did say I’d be back on Monday or Tuesday to announce the winner of the book, didn’t I? So sorry guys. I’ll get the hang of this blogging thing one day … someday. Do those words ever echo in your head too? You start a project. Stop a project. Tell […]