
I'm a wife, I'm a mom to three girls, I'm a friend, I'm a writer, I'm a speaker but most importantly...I am found complete in Jesus. My hope and prayer is that you will know the love and grace I have found through my daily life in Christ so that you too can experience the same freedom I have. Although, through this site you will see I'm in no way perfect. Sometimes it's serious here, sometimes it's silly but it's always about one thing...the scandalous grace of God.

Did you even know you quit?

Hi, I’m Nicki and it turns out … I’m the queen of quitting. Not the title people are fighting to claim over their lives, right?! But it’s a title I’m willing to hold in order for us to walk through a really honest conversation. Because through this journey, I have learned this … So this […]

The Day The UPS Man Made Me Cry

It’s been a big day. I knew it was coming but I was not ready for the all.the.feelings. I saw the UPS man coming down the long gravel road that leads to the Fixer Upper Farm and I started to get all middle-school-girlish. My heart was racing, I was shaking and the tears … yep, they […]

We Need People

Happy Friday! I hope you guys have had a great week. I’m headed off to Texas today to be with the women of West Baptist University church as we retreat for the weekend! I’m so excited and expectant about what God’s going to do through our time together. But have no fear because I have […]