Phew. Friday, you came quickly this week. I hope you guys have had a great week! I’m excited today to share some fun news with you. First, on June 22nd Proverbs 31 Ministries will be beginning our next online Bible study called, The Mended Heart! Not only is this book phenomenal but the teachings, the […]
Summer Story ’15
I love Summer. It’s my favorite season. But it was hard to not let my eyes water as my youngest hopped out of the car for the last time as a third grader this morning. She keeps growing up … My heart sighed when my middle daughter asked for thank-you notes for her teachers. She’s […]
Two Minute Tuesday
Are you tired? If it’s a yes for you, it’s a me too for me. On today’s Two Minute Tuesday I want to share with you a twoish minute message on how we have a God who is in the business of refreshing. If you can’t see the video from your email subscription to […]
The Best Yes Winner is …
It’s front porch rocking season out on the Fixer Upper Farm. I love our front porch and so does, Herman, the slightly famous pug. [@Hermangram] 🙂 So here we are, rocking and writing today. Friday’s are almost always book writing days for me. But I’m taking a little break to hop on here and announce […]