Do What Makes You Well [day 19]
You have to do what makes your soul well. I didn’t plan on taking a break from the #write31days challenge but I needed to. Last week was filled with mess after mess, literally and figuratively. So I really just needed some time to unplug from social media, get some things done and […]
Desperately Dependent
It’s 9:03 p.m. and there’s nothing in me that wants to write this blog post today. But when a woman (who so desperately wants to stop quitting) becomes desperately dependent upon the process, you can’t quit. So here I sit, clicking away. This week has been incredibly trying. I have felt opposition […]
Let’s #RestoreHope
Last night I was scrolling through my Facebook feed and I had to exit it out of it because it was making me feel yuck. Someone posted an article about pastor’s sermons being pulled for a specific reason. Updates about ISIS and Ebola were plenty. Another person was using their social media platform just […]
Two Minute Tuesday [day 14]