It’s a morning I’ve been craving for months. These silent early hours when only the dog’s feet are pitter-pattering through the house. A warm cup of coffee. And a cool fall breeze flowing through the windows. Mmmm … These are the most simple -yet blissful- moments I’ve had in months. But in the midst […]
Write It Down [day 2]
Then the LORD replied: “Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it.” -Habakkuk 2:2 Yesterday, I spent a few minutes writing down the things I want to complete during these 31 days. It was hard to not have the list go on and on and […]
31 Days of Completion [Day 1]
We stood in the bathroom with our arms both folded across our chests. Glares of anger flooded the space between us. I’ll just call it what it was, a fight. A big fight. One of the biggest we’ve ever had. And then my husband said words that shook me the ground beneath me… “You […]
What You Didn’t Ask For
Goodness. Has it already been over a week since I last blogged? So much has happened the past few days, it kinda all feels like a blur. A grateful blur. But still a blur. We are officially all moved in at The Farm. It’s hard to believe this little piece of heaven […]
Buy the Rockin Chairs
I’ve never been one of these people whose faith never wanders. I love people who are solid-faith-rocks, but I’m just not one of them. My knees feel like a middle school boy asking a girl out for the first time when I think about the ways God has asked me to trust Him the […]