Click here if you can’t see the video from your email subscription today. 🙂 Friends, I don’t say this very often but thank you for doing life with me on these Two Minute Tuesdays. It’s so much fun to hear your thoughts and experience God with you.
Two Minute Tuesday: Think Above
Click here if you cannot view the video from your email. 🙂 What about you? Do you struggle with thinking above?
Two Minute Tuesday: Don’t Cut Yet
Click here if you cannot see the video through your email subscription. 🙂
Two Minute Tuesday: Common Sense and Discernment
Congratulations to Jennifer Gearheart, you are the winner of the giveaway from last week!
Declaring God is Faithful {a guest post and giveaway!}
Hi friends. Happy Friday! I hope you have had an amazing week. I’m excited about today’s blog post because it comes from a friend who is so full of the love of God. Heather Butler is an amazing writer but she is also an amazing woman. Her story runs deep into the rich roots of […]