
I'm a wife, I'm a mom to three girls, I'm a friend, I'm a writer, I'm a speaker but most importantly...I am found complete in Jesus. My hope and prayer is that you will know the love and grace I have found through my daily life in Christ so that you too can experience the same freedom I have. Although, through this site you will see I'm in no way perfect. Sometimes it's serious here, sometimes it's silly but it's always about one thing...the scandalous grace of God.

One More Yes

***Comments are now closed, thanks everyone for entering! A few months ago I felt this prompting deep in my heart to begin pressing pause on a lot of things in my life. This was such a struggle for a busy-people-pleasing girl like myself. But if there’s one thing I’ve come to understand about obedience its […]

When Truth Hurts

“Why do you call me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ and do not do what I say?” -Luke 6:46 There’s a sting in my heart today. The past few months have been so chaotic, confusing and full… Truth has often felt far from my thoughts. I keep telling myself once this is over or that is over, life […]

The Un-Threatened Woman

  Deep within all of our hearts is a longing to be valued at what we do. So it’s easy to understand why we frequently enter into the game of comparison in our minds. And we all know comparison isn’t something we should do. But let’s face it; we are going to compare. And maybe […]