
I'm a wife, I'm a mom to three girls, I'm a friend, I'm a writer, I'm a speaker but most importantly...I am found complete in Jesus. My hope and prayer is that you will know the love and grace I have found through my daily life in Christ so that you too can experience the same freedom I have. Although, through this site you will see I'm in no way perfect. Sometimes it's serious here, sometimes it's silly but it's always about one thing...the scandalous grace of God.

Interrupt {day 18}

Today, in the midst of a very busy day, I tried to offer my soul simple things. Watching the joy of my baby girl as she climbed on her new rope. Gazing at the beauty of a blue sky. And pausing life to reflect on God’s goodness. I’m finding today on this Interrupt journey it […]

Interrupt {day 17}

If I’m going to be honest, I’d rather write about anything but this Interrupt journey today. But in these last few minutes of today, I can’t leave my thoughts about all that I experienced today. I got back to the same place and passion I did on day 1. I don’t want things to stay […]

Interrupt {day 16}

So, this whole “” concept I had floating around in my mind has me laughing tonight. I can barely think tonight… I forgot how much energy summer break requires with 3 busy girls. Tonight I need to keep my thoughts focused but simple. This statement is challenging me on this Interrupt journey and I just […]

Interrupt {day 15}

We are half-way through this Interrupt journey. Time is flying, isn’t it? The other day I had an Interrupt experience… This past year I have taken up photography as a hobby and it has led to some fun opportunities, like taking some pictures for friends and the P31 magazine. I’m not ready to call myself […]

Interrupt {day 14}

It’s been a surprisingly cool summer day here in Charlotte, NC. The rain is quietly dripping down outside the window at the Starbucks tonight. So here I sit… with you and Jesus. Today’s been interesting. I can’t say I prayed on the hour every hour [grace, grace, grace… it was the first day of summer […]