Interrupt {day 7}
Blogging was difficult yesterday, I couldn’t find the words… and maybe sometimes silence is better. And today, it feels like I’m forcing words so I’m not sure how this entry will turn out but I committed to work this process out for thirty days so here I go… For two days, I got to a […]
Interrupt {day 5}
Today I’m feeling this: When the journey through interrupt becomes more important than the destination, the path becomes a little clearer. So today, I simply embraced the journey. My first and last thought these thirty days are, “God, interrupt me.” And He did. I hear a story about an interruption in someone’s life. Cancer. Big […]
Interrupt {day 4}
Is it possible to live a radical life for Jesus in the mundane? Carpool. Bills. Yard work. Grocery shopping. Swim practice. Gymnastics. Dinner making. Laundry. Work. Cookouts. The suburbs. These are the places I’m having a hard time experiencing God in. Our society likes to talk about dreaming big, finding our purpose, being passionate people […]
Interrupt {day 3}
{If you are just beginning this journey, this is where we started.} One of my biggest fears on this journey of asking Jesus to interrupt this everyday life is that I will start writing posts with themes like: “How I found Jesus in my chocolate ice-cream today.” And if I do, please call me out. […]