Today I’m blogging at Crosswalk, I would love for you to click here to read that post and share your thoughts. But I also wanted to share a few of my favorite Christmas moments. 🙂
Years end.
Clocks are quickly ticking their way toward 2012… If I had to sum up this past year in one word, it would be this: redefining. The year started off destining me for exhaustion and about mid-year, I think I had enough. Finding life completely imbalanced, I began to withdraw. As I’ve moved away from the […]
Twinkle, Twinkle.
Christmas lights. They are my favorite. My hubs is a man who likes the Christmas lights too. Each year he keeps adding to our display. The girls love it. And I do too. So I thought I’d share with you some pictures from our yard and the video of the annual Thanksgiving lighting ceremony [aka: […]
Fresh Vision.
The second pick. That’s how I feel some days. The fear of never being good enough often hinders me. The realization of being in others shadows paralyzes me. I spend hours in my mind wandering around the circle of insignificance. My heart tries to stay filled up with God’s Truth, but I find a leaky […]
Oh how I LOVED reading your Christmas memory stories. So fun!! 🙂 Thank you to everyone who entered. The winner is…. Ellen Brown! Happy Thursday!