Today’s thankful post: A scent Lately, there have been some product preferences that I have narrowed down. Maybe this is something that comes with age [smile]. First, Cascade dishwasher detergent really works the best. Second, I only like the smell of TIDE on our clothes, sheets and towels. Third, Glass Plus cleaner is simply amazing. […]
30 days of Thanks {Day 6}
Day 6: A place There is no question in my mind of the place that I am most thankful for. The beach! I love and I mean l-o-v-e the beach. I hope to live there one day. We go at least once a year. We have even camped there! [That was an experience. :)] The […]
30 days of Thanks {Day 5}
Day 5: A pair of Shoes Today, I am thankful for this little pair of shoes… They were so carefully placed on the three newborn girls that have come into our house. Taylor was the first to wear them. We took her to church at just two weeks old. I remember they were so […]
30 days of Thanks {Day 4}
Today’s post: favorite snack. There are a lot of things me and my girls love to munch on. But lately, thanks to shows like Cupcake Wars, my girls have become obsessed with all things cupcakes. This is my favorite, Mint Chocolate Chip. Of course, these are rare treats, but still fun. And even more fun […]
30 days of Thanks [Days 1-3]
What is my bloggy deal here lately? I just can’t seem to keep up with much these days, especially this blog. So once again, I apologize [to all three of you who read this blog] for my lack of enthusiasm with posts. But a few days ago I came across some inspiration to get me […]