A year ago this month my husband, Kris, said something to me that I thought was going to send me over the edge. In the midst of a recession, three young kids, no savings account, and a marriage that struggled to stay solid…he approached me with a thought: “I think I should start my own […]
Don’t just eat.
Summer means two things to my girls…ice-cream and swimming. So last night, after swimming, Kris and I took the girls to get ice-cream. We stood looking at the signs of the many flavors to choose from. There were simple-classic ones like chocolate or vanilla. Then the flavors got complicated as peanut butter, cookies, sprinkles, berries, […]
Hush and Become.
Hush. That is the word God reached over me a month ago. Every single time I would sit down to write on this blog, I heard that word deep in my core. Hush. So for the past month -while I didn’t know it at the time- God lead me to a period of silence. I’ll […]
The Memory.
Do you remember what it was like to be in love for the first time? I sure do. I was giddy. Stomach constantly in butterflies. Doodling all over notebooks with his initials and just being…silly. True, I had a very skewed perception of what “true love” was but, I was twelve. At the mere mention […]