This morning I’ve been thinking about that phrase: God’s ways are not our ways. There’s a lot of stress in our lives right now. I’m not sure I can do everything that is in front of me. My confidence is shaken. I’ve felt confused. There’s been gossip from others. There’s been false judgment. And since […]
Oceans Take Me Away!
Last week I asked my community group, “What is your favorite part about summer?” I was completely shocked that there were SOME people who did not like summer. At. All. It will be a difficult decision as to whether or not they can stay in our community group due to such opinions. [smile] [Just kidding!] […]
The Elevated Road.
I have a friend named Trenita. I seriously loved her the first time I met her. She’s fabulous. She’s witty. She’s got a spunk like you would not believe. She’s got a passion that’s contagious. And, she’s just a rock-star. For. Real. Trenita serves with me along with our amazing-best-ever-group-of-volunteers VIP team at Elevation Church. […]
The strength to be ready.
I have a major fitness goal for this summer. Therefore, there has been a lot of time spent at the gym lately. I’m not a huge fan of the gym. It provides many moments of awkwardness [strange equipment, horrible bodily smells, sweat that people unknowingly fling on you…]. But, I need to work-out and this […]
It isn’t a sacrifice.
Sorry for the absence around the blog lately. Life is moving at a speed that is hard to keep up. But we are on the home-stretch of the school year and I can’t wait for all the end-of-year madness to be over and the lazy days of summer to roll in [if such days really […]