Hello blogsters. Today I’m over at She Seeks vlogging about my struggle with speaking the truth in love while not coming across as judgmental. Would love for you to click here and head that way to share your thoughts as well. Happy Thursday!
The heart of a boundary.
I don’t know about you but boundaries are always something I have always struggled with. And the spectrum of boundaries that I have struggled through fall from: When to say no to the m&m’s to When to say no to the person who is trying to take over your life And in the process of […]
Pseudo Me.
A few years ago I had a weird situation. One morning I woke up with what seemed to be scratch across my eye. It didn’t hurt but it was a major nuisance. I don’t know why but I tried to ignore it, thinking it would somehow go away on its own. However, the next day […]
Red light, Green light.
One of the aspects I love about having elementary school aged kids, is seeing the games I used to play as a little girl come back around. Cutesy jump rope chants “Cinderella, dressed in yellow, went upstairs to kiss her fellow….” Red Rover “Red Rover, Red Rover…Send [insert name]….right over!” [Who is Red Rover anyway?] […]
A season ends.
Today was a last for me… Muffins with Mom. I held my sweet girl’s little hand as she walked proudly beside me, leading me to her carefully planned and prepared mommy preschool celebration. Her long blonde hair sparkled as the sun fell on her sweet face. I squeezed her hand just a bit longer than […]