“For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.” -Luke 14:11 What does a humble life look like? This is the question that’s plowing through my soul today. I’ve noticed something with all three of my girls. Its a good thing…I think. They all three think they are […]
The final hours.
I think its ok to write this post…I hope so anyway. And, I’m really to the point where I just don’t care if someone thinks its not ok to write this out. [smile] Since Friday at 6pm my husband and I have been on a five-day juice fast with some of the people at our […]
Everlasting God
The Lord has me in a very tender place this morning. I have so much I want to say but I can’t leave the presence this song keeps leading me to. Sweet Blessings to you today…
Challenged to Surrender.
Challenged. That is the word my heart is feeling today. The other day I was at Target…yes, my highly spiritual place. [smile] I really have had some spiritual things happen at the Target…just so you know. Things like: Daughter #2 getting smacked in the head with a buggy and almost passing out. There were a […]
Day 30 -What does God want me to do?
Can’t believe its day 30! What has been accomplished in my heart over the last 30 days has been something I will never forget. God has stretched me, made me very uncomfortable and helped me rekindle the love for writing my thoughts out –without the care of: Is anybody reading this? Yes God, you are […]