
I'm a wife, I'm a mom to three girls, I'm a friend, I'm a writer, I'm a speaker but most importantly...I am found complete in Jesus. My hope and prayer is that you will know the love and grace I have found through my daily life in Christ so that you too can experience the same freedom I have. Although, through this site you will see I'm in no way perfect. Sometimes it's serious here, sometimes it's silly but it's always about one thing...the scandalous grace of God.

The low place.

“For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.” -Luke 14:11 What does a humble life look like? This is the question that’s plowing through my soul today. I’ve noticed something with all three of my girls. Its a good thing…I think. They all three think they are […]

The final hours.

I think its ok to write this post…I hope so anyway. And, I’m really to the point where I just don’t care if someone thinks its not ok to write this out. [smile] Since Friday at 6pm my husband and I have been on a five-day juice fast with some of the people at our […]

Everlasting God

The Lord has me in a very tender place this morning. I have so much I want to say but I can’t leave the presence this song keeps leading me to. Sweet Blessings to you today…

Challenged to Surrender.

Challenged. That is the word my heart is feeling today. The other day I was at Target…yes, my highly spiritual place. [smile] I really have had some spiritual things happen at the Target…just so you know. Things like: Daughter #2 getting smacked in the head with a buggy and almost passing out. There were a […]

Day 30 -What does God want me to do?

Can’t believe its day 30! What has been accomplished in my heart over the last 30 days has been something I will never forget. God has stretched me, made me very uncomfortable and helped me rekindle the love for writing my thoughts out –without the care of: Is anybody reading this? Yes God, you are […]