I’m excited. For the first time in a long time, I feel like I have some clarity about some pretty big issues I’ve been challenged with. I woke up this morning feeling so refreshed and ready to go. I have a plan, a mission and I just feel like I could conquer so much today. […]
Day 18 -Back on track
So, I missed yesterday. There’s no excuse but I did have a lot going on. Things like a busted ear drum in my baby, her birthday and…some awful dental work. Confession? I was asleep most of the day yesterday from the meds. And the time I was awake, I was just trying to make it […]
Day 17 -What am I lacking?
Yesterday I started back to running. My husband is a strong runner and is always pushing encouraging me to get back out there. I’m not a huge fan of the running. Its boring to me, I don’t see how people can want to do it for 20-something odd miles. But, I know its good for […]
Day 16 -Embrace the place.
What an amazing weekend I have had. This is going to be hard today to pick one thing to chew on and share but I will try. [smile] This weekend my church brought in one of THE most amazing speakers I have ever heard. Christine Caine came all the way from Hillsong church in Australia. […]
Day 15 -I want radiance.
Can you believe it? Half-way through this 30-day writing journey. Day 15 I sought the LORD, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame. This poor man called, and the LORD heard him; he saved him out of […]