Well, my house is eerily quiet this afternoon. We sent these 3 beauties off for their first day of school this morning.
And yes… I cried [again :)].
1st Grade
4th Grade
7th Grade

We had a great summer but everyone [including me] was ready to get back into a routine. But this afternoon I’m finding myself missing their giggles, cartwheels and silly debates about hair styles. 🙁
The good news is, {hopefully} I can get back into a regular blogging schedule…
One of my prayers as a mom is that God will continue to show me what my kids need from me. I have realized as they get older, their needs will change. So, from time to time I need evaluate what I can do differently. Back to school season is a great time to do this.
This morning as I was praying, I felt God impress this on my heart:
Speak life. Over them, their school, their teachers, their friends… everything they do. Speak life.
This verse immediately came to mind while I was praying:
“Words kill, words give life; they’re either poison or fruit—you choose.” -Proverbs 18:21
As a mom, dad, aunt, uncle, grandparent or friend of the family… most of us have some opportunity to speak life into this next generation this school year.
Can I just be honest and tell you how much this generation needs our words?
They do. More than ever.
So here are 9 ways to help us do this:
1. Tell them they are good enough.
2. Point out their greatest qualities, over and over.
3. Show them how God has found favor on them and their friends.
4. Avoid adding to conversations that damage a school, another student or teacher’s reputation.
5. Remind them daily who they are [their name], whose they are [God’s] and who they represent [Jesus].
6. Point out the opposition they are facing as an opportunity to show honor, love and kindness to someone.
7. Read or text a Bible verse to them each morning or night.
8. Call out the potential you see for them to be a leader.
9. Encourage healthy reflections about conflict.
What about you? What other ways can you think of how we can speak life into this next generation? Leave a comment and share, I can’t wait to hear your thoughts. 🙂
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I was just about to start a list of positive actions/words for my two children..they start school tomorrow… thank you for sharing…
Awesome Rachel! 🙂
Every night I have my kids repeat to me : Im intelligent, Im beautiful, God loves me,
And my mama loves me to the moon and back.
I love this Crystal. 🙂
Oh, I LOVE this post! My oldest of 3 is just starting speech classes at school (he isn’t old enough for preschool yet). We’re trying to determine which school the Lord would have us send them all when they are all ready. This list was a great reminder to me to not be fearful about our decision – God’s got it covered! I love the reminder to speak life over my boys daily even before school age. In our house, we take any moment to pray – boo-boo’s, anger, joy… I love how the boys are starting to ask to pray! They are 8 months, 2 years, and 3 1/2.
That’s right Audra, fear not. God has been saying that to me over and over “fear not”. Love your heart. 🙂
When I was teaching 3rd grade Sunday school, we were working on the 4th commandment. We taught them to not only honor their Mother and Father but that their last name does not only belong to them. Their actions will be connected with everyone that has the same last name. So if you have a sister or brother in school and you do wrong the wrong will hover over the other members of your family.
Love this Joann! Honor is such an important thing to impart to our kids.
Love this idea of carrying the family name with honor! It has taken me years to get my honor back after some of the dumb things I did in college!
I like this! I hope you dont mind if I edit it so I can send it home to my public school parents!
Hi Norma! I’d be so honored, yes, yes, please use any of this that you’d like!
This is absolutely terrific! My daughter is only 19 months, but I’m definitely speaking like and Gods Word over her! Speaking life daily! Thanks!
Enriching, uplifting suggestions here, Nicki! I thank you and my kids do, too. 🙂
Printing these out and posting on the fridge! THANK YOU Nicki!!! <3
I have 3 girls too and the exact same grades as well! 🙂 We haven’t started school yet here in Oregon but this is wonderful and I will be using this! Thanks for this!!
I don’t have girls but I have 3 boys! I am raising them alone most of the time since my husband’s job takes him away from home for three weeks out of the month. I have learned from raising them that boys are very sensitive to their mothers. They always tell me about their day and I learned a long time ago that it is easy to dismiss them when they are little and ignore what they say, but someone told me to always listen. This will build in them as knowing you will always listen when they get older. I am so glad I took that advice, because now that they are older, they know they can talk to me. This is my advice to all of you who have young children, it may make no sense but what they are learning from you is that you are listening and it will spill into their older years. God bless all of you and please keep us in your prayers.
Love, love this! I am the mother of 5 children. Our youngest are twins who are in their junior year in college. I think this applies to all our children regardless of their ages. Thank you for inspiring me! Vicki
So needed this message this very morning! I love your list and will be writing this down to put into practice with my 17 year old daughter. The best of times and the worst of times with this age!!! God bless!
Good morning Nicki,
It is so amazing how well God knows each of our hearts desires! My daughter just started 8th grade and played her first volleyball game of this season last night. I went to bed asking God to grant her leadership qualities and to breathe favor over her. This morning my heart trusts that God heard my prayers but my head was questioning if He really heard my requests. I was having that all to familiar battle with myself when I opened your devotion and once again, (using you Nicki as His anointed messenger) for the hundredth time, He not only confirmed He heard my prayers, but reminded me of His promises He never breaks or changes. Thank you for being MY messenger today……
Father, I pray for all the moms that battle the lies the enemy tries to make us believe. I pray for your anointed messengers to be stationed in just the right place today. May they encourage all us moms that need to be reminded, Your promises are the same yesterday, today and tomorrow!! In Your Sons Name I pray. Amen
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