It’s not very often in this life you meet a friend like my friend Linda Kuhar. She’s just one of those breath’s of fresh air sent straight from heaven.
And I’m SO excited for you to meet her today. Linda is guest posting for me today here on the blog AND she’s has a really special giveaway of her new book, Worthy of a Miracle!
Here she is …
Worthy of a Miracle Book Giveaway
I want to give Nicki Koziarz a HUGE thank you for encouraging me a few years ago not to give up on my dreams. Because of her support I persevered and wrote my first book, Worthy of a Miracle, Five Simple Truths for Believing and Receiving God’s Love.
Worthy of a Miracle is not only about my physical healing but my spiritual healing and how I discovered my true worth in Jesus. It is a guidebook for any woman who wants to more fully own her inheritance as a daughter of God. And it is for you, no matter where you currently are on that journey. It is not a step-by-step instruction manual on how to become “worthy,” but rather an inspirational practice to deepen your awareness of how worthy you already are by accepting the relationship Jesus offers.
Over the years I learned how to use an acronym as a simple reminder of how to live in the truth about my worth and relationship with God. To walk you through your own shift in perspective about how worthy you are, I share with you the most important lesson I learned along the way: Jesus is the answer.
▪ Just live today.
▪ Expect miracles.
▪ Speak truth.
▪ Use your gifts.
▪ Start now!
In the comments below let me know if you’ve ever struggled with not feeling good enough? Or have you questioned at times am I worthy of God’s love?
Everyone who comments today will be entered to WIN a signed copy of my book!
Learn more about Linda at
Watch book trailer HERE!
Connect on Facebook Here!
Twitter: @LindaKuhar
Pinterest: Linda Kuhar, Christian Life Coach
Order your copy of Worthy of a Miracle HERE!
I have definitely felt unworthy and not good enough. Not feeling good enough is something that I struggle mightily with to be perfectly honest. Thank you for the opportunity to win this book!
Ashley, you are not alone in this. That is why I wrote #WorthyofaMiracle. I’ve struggled most of my life with those feelings. Jesus is the answer. I pray you will experience His presence in a new way through my book. ((hugs)) You are worthy!!
Think about future and about next generation,do some good deeds instead of glorifying persecution of others and earning money and appreciation from it,dont make jesus a commodity to sell,dont expect miracles ,try to work hard and do service to the people instead of babbling,go to iraq ,syria or pakistan and spread the word of Jesus,sitting in america and teaching bible is easy,why dont you go to syria or iraq and teach them bible,have faith in god,do his work,if you are christian and his disciples then act like peter ,go spread it even if they crucify you for it
I do struggle with not feeling good enough. This sounds like a great book. I’d love to read it.
I certainly don’t feel near worthy enough to have all that I have. I feel unworthy because of the daily struggles I have to pray and maintain God’s word in my actions and life. Thank you for the opportunity to win what sounds like an amazing book.
Sounds like a good book. Sounds like it would be a good fit for me 🙂
I am so grateful for God’s saving grace and the kind of love it took for Jesus to CHOOSE to go to the cross on my behalf. I am so overwhelmed by His love for me and, therefore, have always felt unworthy of His unfailing love – it blows my mind! Can’t wait to read your accomplishment, Linda!
Thank you Leigh Ann! My prayer is for everyone who reads my book to experience the MIRACLE of their worth in Jesus. We are worthy. 🙂
Yes I struggle with not feeling good enough to God, my husband, my children, my friends. and myself.
Sweet Janet, I’m here to affirm you today. You are enough. You are loved by God exactly how you are. No performance is necessary. Through the pages of my book I am praying for you to experience a MIRACLE!!
You are worthy! Thank you Jesus!
Am sifting through how “ignored’ childhood family trauma has distorted my understanding of God’s view of me. With the help of a professional & a few friends and a lot of reading/studying I am beginning to better understand & internalize His true nature & love for me.
I believe many women struggle with not feeling good enough, I being one of them amongst the many. Thankful that when I begin to believe the lie of unworthiness, I have Jesus to turn to. I would love to read your book. I am sure that it is filled with reassurance of God’s unconditional love for us. Congrats on your first book.
Thank you Misty. It’s amazing to hear women open up about their struggles in this area. Knowing that we are not alone in the “not good enough” thoughts exposes the lies of the enemy and Jesus continues to shine even brighter. We are worthy!
I am so excited about this book! I can’t wait to read it. I adore both of you ladies, you are angels from heaven for so many of us here on earth. Thank you and keep on writing!
What a powerful message that we can all relate to! My husband has Multiple Sclerosis for the past 29 years and although our faith wavers at times, we know that God has him still standing for a reason. Great message that we all need to hear!
I can’t wait to read this book! Thank you Nikki for having Linda on your blog. We have all felt unworthy I am sure. Especially women. Linda, thank God for your miracle and thanks to all the people involved in your recovery (prayers). None of us are worthy are we? really? For we all, like sheep, have gone astray…..
Love you ladies!
I struggle alot with not feeling good enough. It’s hard being everything to everyone some times when I feel overwhlemed.
Katie oh how I can relate to feeling overwhelmed when I give too much of myself away. Through my book you will learn different ways to connect with Jesus like never before and experience His supernatural peace. Lifting you up in prayer right now. Thank you for sharing.
You are worthy! We are worthy! Thank you Jesus!!
Your book sounds so uplifting. I struggle all the time about being worthy in the eyes of God. I’ve made mistakes and could have and should have done things differently. I believe in God and trying to be a better christian. I still wonder if I’m doing enough. My biggest fear is, i not fulfilled or lived God’s purpose for me here on earth. As I get older and enter into my senior years, I cry for fear it’s too late to be the person God wanted me to be.
Debbie, I am here to reassure you today that YOU ARE ENOUGH exactly where you are. No performance is necessary to be loved & adored by our heavenly Father. Through my book I’m praying for you to discover a new awareness and peace like never before. Expecting a miracle for you sweet sister.
Thank you for sharing your heart here today. ((hugs))
Although I’m in my 50’s, I still struggle with the lies of ‘You’re not good enough’. I would love be a woman that feels secure in being ‘Daughter of the King’.
I will be adding this book to my list. Thank you for sharing!
I definitely don’t feel good enough or worthy enough as a mom some days. My fuse can be so short, and I feel like I don’t do enough for my daughter. It’s all completely irrational, but it will still creep up on me occasionally. 🙁
Kristen that is exactly what I write about in Part 2 of my book (Speak Truth Chapter). No matter what, we will never parent perfectly or we will end up saying things we regret to someone we love … its part of who we are in the flesh. I walk you through an inspirational daily practice to retrain your mind and speak truth to those you love & yourself.
I can tell you are a wonderful mother my friend. You are worthy! Thank you Jesus!!
So grateful to live in a time where we truly share the stuff of life with one another, instead of the lie that says, “I’m fine.”
“I am worthy. Thank You Jesus!” Words I need to continually remind myself of….SO looking forward to reading your book.
I have been hard on myself when i know I’ve sinned and i keep myself from praying n going to church.. it literally makes me cry and i make myself pray n keep on God journey.. i feel unworthy of his love.
Marlinda I struggle too with being hard on myself. Through writing my book God showed me over and over to listen to His truth about my worth instead of the lies. You too are WORTHY my friend. I pray you will find comfort and experience His presence today. Wrap your arms around yourself and give yourself a BIG ((hug)). That’s from me. You are loved.
Thank you for sharing today.
Not feeling worthy is such a common feeling, especially amongst women. I look forward to reading your book. I love the JESUS acronym
Thanks for the opportunity to win your book.
Woke up feeling unworthy, as I have for several years now, but the video brought out some things I had not been doing and should! Thank for the words this morning I was and still am in need……
I’ve Always struggled with feeling less than worthy. Being single being overweight it’s not easy to think you are ugly and unworthy. Would love to read your book
I think most of humanity struggles with this, especially women. Unfortunately a lot of us try to fill that need with many unhealthy avenues. When people you thought would be friends for life don’t want to be my friend anymore I wonder why I am not worthy of their friendship anymore. When my next door neighbor won’t open the door when I knock to offer help I wonder why I am not worthy of an open door. And the list goes on. BUT JESUS says I am, the hard part is remembering that.
Blessings and congratulations on your new book!
As a woman, wife and mother, I struggle with feeling worthy of God’s love. I have 3 daughters(teens, 2 who are adopted with many issues to work thru), so this is something that I am trying to deal with so that I can teach them by example. I appreciate you sharing your testimony; it encouraged me today!
Blessings to you! Keep on following God’s lead!
I struggle with nor feeling worthy all of the time. I just feel like I don’t matter sometimes. I have to remember that I am beautiful in my Father’s eye and am fearfully and wonderfully made.. In fact, when I start to feel like I am not worthy of being loved, I have to remember this verse. I’m also going through a trial where my husband was found guilty of a crime and was sentenced to prison for 25 years when he didn’t commit the crime. There was literally no evidence to point that a crime had ever been committed. So., now we are appealing and it seems like a lost cause sometimes, but I know God is on our side and will work out everything for His glory. I am on Linda’s launch team and read a couple of chapters and I encourage everyone to order a copy you will not be disappointed!!
What an inspirational subject to write a book about. We as women in general struggle with insecurity based on the fact that we do not think we are good enough. It is so hard to wake up each morning and look in the mirror and say” I am your daughter, God. Please help me feel worthy today. ”
I am very excited to read what Linda has wrote after her challenges in her life and yet has overcome them. God, Please let all the ladies today that reads this blog feel your presence and sense our own worthiness. After all you created us ,God so we must be worthy! Amen
Thank you Nancy! I stand in faith with you that everyone who reads this blog will experience His presence and know their worth in Jesus.
This book looks amazing! You are both beautiful women of God. May the Lord bless your ministry in mighty ways for His glory.
I went through depression over a decade ago and deeply struggled with even believing that God loved me. I think many women struggle with feeling worthy/loved. May the Lord use your book to reach many thousands upon thousands of women and bring them deep healing. Jesus’s dying on the cross for us makes us worthy. He is worthy and He died for you/me/everyone, so we are worthy because of the blood of Jesus. Praise the Lord! I am worthy. You are worthy. We are all worthy. May we each have an undying love for the Lord Jesus Christ.
Thank you Amber! You said it beautifully. I’m believing for MANY miracle through the healing words throughout my book. JESUS is the answer.
WE ARE WORTHY!!!!! Thank you sweet Jesus!!!
Feeling worthy is at the heart of every woman’s self-confidence issues. We wouldn’t be human if we haven’t experienced that struggle throughout our lives. I know it effects me less when life is going “great” and more when it is not. Praise God for grace and love. This would be a wonderful book to confirm our worthiness to God and remind us we are loved.
As many of you know, elementary, middle and high school can be rough. For me, it was a time of being made fun of for my height, weight, pimples, lips (I have been blessed with full lips, but they were not a blessing when I was young) you name it, I was made fun of for it. Because of that time in my life, I have struggled with low self esteem. I am a work in progress but thanks to God I am learning that I am worthy and He made me just the way I am and He has a purpose for my life.
Amen! Amen! Amen!! I love how you are embracing how God made you. Woohoo!!!!!!
I would like to win a copy of your book, I believe insecurites and self worth are weapons Satan uses to keep up from going to the place of Promise God has for us. We need truth (God’s word ) to be a constant reminder of how much God loves us and he found us to be worthy when he sent his Only Son Jesus to die for us when weren’t desrving but yet we were worthy.
I seem to struggle too often with not feeling good enough. I realize it’s a perception problem, a problem of reading too much into things that are innocent comments and observations, but that doesn’t make the feeling any less powerful. The worst part is that I do it to myself more often than it is inflicted by others. Before I even finished reading the whole blog I knew this was a book I need to invest in if I’m not selected to receive the giveaway.
Nancy thank you for sharing your authentic self here and opening up your heart. I love it. It’s so hard to get past our own thoughts and perceptions, however God can work this MIRACLE in your life. He continues to do so in my life daily. While I do not live “perfectly” in feeling worthy I’m blown away by His grace & transformation in my mind and heart.
You are WORTHY of this same MIRACLE!! ((hugs))
YOU are worthy … I am worthy! In HIM we are chosen, cherished and celebrated!
Hi Nicki,
Linda seems like a sweet lady with wise words & inspiration to share. I look forward to reading her book.
Love the acronym! I will definitely have to remember that! I am worthy! 🙂
Thank you for sharing!
Nicki thank you for introducing us to Linda and allowing her to share her story here on your blog. I have followed you for quite some time now and always look forward to your messages you share. I, too, have spent most of my life feeling unworthy. As a child I was not wanted. As an adult my husband left me and took our child and everything we owned. It was a long time before I was ready to talk to God again and realize that I didn’t have to spend the rest of my life alone. Today I am remarried with a wonderful little boy who keeps us very busy (and entertained – LOL!) and know that I must have been worthy for God to bless me with a new life and unconditional love….
I question if God finds me worthy every single day! I feel I am a disappointment to him because I keep messing up and sinning even when I try not to. That just make me feel more guilty and continue this defeating circle. I just feel so low and frustrated.
I have struggled with not feeling good enough. I am so thankful that Jesus loves me anyway, even in my struggles and doubts. I think this book will be an excellent read!
No, I don’t feel worthy of much at all. I realized that that is one of the reasons I struggle with my prayer life. I realized that for some reason if I request something of God and he really know I want it, He won’t provide or give that to me. I know, warped thinking, right!? I’m the kind of person who loves people, but has a hard time making friends. I’ve had the thought that maybe God is isolating me so I will somehow reach Him and make Him my best friend. Thanks for the opportunity to win your book!
I too have struggled (still do!) with not feeling worthy of good enough. I think the major ‘jolt’ of unworthy hit me when I was walked out on because I could not have children. I was told I wasn’t a complete woman of I couldn’t have kids. I have struggled so much with that over the years,…and the health issues that went with it. I also see the magnitude of the suffering that Jesus endured in my place….for me….and I know I can never repay such love and sacrifice…PRAISE GOD I don’t have to measure up…Jesus was THE PERFECT sacrifice and He is my Savior! I would love to read your book!! I would LOVE to WIN your book!! Thank you for sharing your story, and a shout out to Nicki for her encouragement in your life!! ❤
I know in my heart that I am good enough; but in my mind, I struggle with it more than I care to admit. Too much focusing on what I should have, would have, could have done or said. Making progress, but have a ways to go. Congratulations on your first book (with many more to come).
Oh yeah, I have definitely had many moments of not feeling good enough & of questioning if I am worthy of God’s love. I do a lot better now than I used to but I’m still not where I would like to be with this. I still occasions of doubt & insecurity in this area at times. I know the truth though & that always helps.
Linda, I am so proud of you for stepping outside of your comfort zone & following where God was leading you on this journey to becoming an author & sharing your amazing journey.
I don’t know why it’s so hard for me to comprehend that I am worthy of His love. I read His word and know it’s true, but Satan’s right there dragging me back down into the well. I just wonder how many other women are right there in that well with me. Lord help us all.
Thank you so much Linda, I really enjoyed listening to your message today. What an inspiring woman you are! You are a true blessing to us all.
I have always struggled with feeling unworthy in my life. It can be a daily battle for me.
I look forward to the opportunity to read your new book.
Continuously …
On a daily basis …
Since I was a child …
I have struggled with believing I am worthy since…..oh well I don’t know. I have understood this feeling as I was “living my divorce journey” and finding myself again after it was over. I often contemplate whether I am worthy to achieve my dreams. Music is passion and I often dream of singing and playing the piano again. I also have found a love for writing and wonder if I will ever accomplish this adventure as well. I know God has a purpose, a plan –I am just trying to find Him in all this dreaming- all this wondering!!!!
I have struggled with believing I am worthy since…..oh well I don’t know. I have understood this feeling as I was “living my divorce journey” and finding myself again after it was over. I often contemplate whether I am worthy to achieve my dreams. Music is my passion and I often dream of singing and playing the piano again. I also have found a love for writing and wonder if I will ever accomplish this adventure as well. I know God has a purpose, a plan –I am just trying to find Him in all this dreaming- all this wondering!!!!
Absolutely, long before I met Jesus, I felt not good enough and unworthy of God’s love. Thanking God for deliverance into His everlasting arms of healing love and forgiveness. Love your inspiring miracle story Linda and the JESUS acronym. Looking forward to reading and sharing your book with others.
So happy to see Linda Kuhar today on the blog. This book, “Worthy of A Miracle” is a book that everyone should read. 🙂 Love to Linda and love to Nicki. 🙂
God has been sending me inspiration from many different sources about this lately, and I feel Him urging me to write more …but I am so unsure and lacking confidence. I am being swallowed alive by doubt and fear. Thank you for writing your book, and ripping the insecurities of my heart off and right into the words of this post. I am encouraged by others that have felt the same angst.
Happy Friday!
I have struggled with not feeling worthy all my life which tells me I am not trusting God. It really is an incredible burden that weighs you down when you do not feel confident in who you are in our Lord. I learned to be a perfectionist very well from childhood, and I have a good head knowledge that God loves us as believers, but I strive and strive to go deeper with Him and get His love, peace, joy, and rest into the depths of my heart and being without thinking I need to work for it.
Great post and so glad for your physical and spiritual healing. Seeking Him is our answer as He promises to answer…we just need to believe. That’s where I get tripped up…that His message is truly for me without my having to do anything for it; but accept it as a gift. Never have been good at accepting, more the giving type.
Would love to win a copy!!
I have had a tough time feeling worthy of God’s love and His grace.
I have felt so unworthy so much over the past three years. I have been fighting a long illness that last year cost me my job last year. My husband who is so supportive said my health is much more important than another income. Yet I have felt completely unworthy to be taken care of and not contributing. Recently, after a flare up, we have run into more complications and due to some rather insensitive comments from our family, they feel I am on an extensive vacation. It may be a “joke” to some. To others it is a well planted barb. I want to be a wife worthy of such a husband that God has given me. I desire to be a wife who serves and who follows God with abandon. I just feel that I am unworthy when most of my days are having to be spent dealing with our illness.
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