Well, WHAT a day I had yesterday!!! I did NOT wake up and I had a HORRIBLE day. I was up all night with each of the girls. Taylor had the stomach bug, Hope had a bad dream and Kennedy…………I still don’t know what was wrong with her. So I didn’t wake up to have my quiet time with the Lord. So Taylor had to stay home from camp and we had a very uneventful day until…………about 5:30 I go and get the girls dressed I had to run a few errands and we had to pick Kris up from work because he had taken the van to get fixed. So I’m borrowing my mom’s car and trying to fit all three of them in the back seat isn’t easy. Then after I got them all in I could get Taylor buckled because the buckle part was tucked under the seat. Well of course my mom’s car has NO way of getting under the seat except to dig your hand down there. I couldn’t get the buckle, I tried and tried. Luckily my neighbor saw me and came over and he pulled it out. OK, problem solved, load them ALL back in buckle everyone, get and…………the car won’t start!!! I was like LORD HELP ME. So I called ANOTHER neighbor, I like my neighbors =), and asked him to come and see if he could figure it out. Well, it was the battery but with my mom’s car you can’t put it in neutral and push it out for some reason so luckily Kris’s truck could fit in the garage so he could jump it. So, he jumped it thank goodness and we all piled back in and got Kris. I was so tired last night but I’m so thankful because I got a really good night’s sleep and the Lord woke me up at 5:20 to have my quiet time and I feel so good that I did it, that God did it. I’m reading Job and it was funny because of all the things that stood out to me the most significant is the fact that Job got up EARLY in the morning and burned his sacrifice to the Lord. I guess God is really trying to confirm in me that I’m supposed to get up early and spend time with him. So, it’s going to be a better day. The van still isn’t ready, it’s going to be pricey but I’m still thankful that at least we have a van, after driving my mom’s car yesterday I’m just so thankful. So, I’d better go and get all these girly’s ready for the day. Taylor has camp, I’ve got grocery shopping and errands to run and ton’s of laundry to do, then it’s the the Y for Taylor’s exercise class (after camp) and MAYBE to the pool if the weather allows. Kris has to work late so it’s good to be busy to make the day pass!! Have a great day everyone!