
It’s been a good peaceful day despite our choas this morning. Taylor had her first day of camp today and we left in plenty of time (for once) and things were off to a good start. Well, I had planned on going to get the van inspected after dropping Taylor off so I’m driving and all of the sudden the check engine light comes on, not a good thing if you’re going to get it inspected. So I called Kris and he said maybe it would go off when I stopped the car and started it back again. Well, as soon as I got off the phone with him I feel this chug……….chug……….over and over. The girls were freaking out so I pull over and call Kris and luckily we weren’t to far away and he was able to come and get us. So, it’s the transmission………of course it has to be the most expensive thing wrong with the car. So I’m without a car. Luckily my neighbor was able to bring Taylor home. But other than that and being stuck at home life is good. We had a good weekend, busy but good. Friday night we took the girls to a new Y pool that they had never been to before, they had a lot of fun and Taylor was so excited because she was able to go down the slides. Then we came home and had pizza and a movie. Saturday my Aunt and Uncle and mom and dad came over for dinner, it was good to see them. Sunday was church which was very good because Dr.Brown had a message on marriage that was great, and then up to see Kris’s grandfather for more yummy pizza. My kids are pizzad out!! Hope said the funniest thing on Saturday. We had a really bad storm come through and we put the weather on to see what else was coming and she says, “Are the tomatoes coming???!!!” Tomatoes=Tornados in Hope lingo! It was so cute. Kennedy rolled from her front to her back for the first time too. She’s been rolling from her tummy to her back for quite a while now so it’s cute to see her go the other way and she’s so proud of herself!!! I’ve been trying and trying to post pictures on this blog but I just can’t get it to work. I’m not sure what the deal is. Anyways, I’ll keep trying. Well, I hope everyone has a nice day.




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